
Update on Visa Interview Waivers

On February 18, 2025, the Department of State (DOS) announced an updated visa interview waiver policy, which took effect sometime in the last week. 

Previously, visa interviews were waived for nonimmigrant visa applicants applying for any nonimmigrant visa classification who were previously issued a nonimmigrant visa in any classification (other than B) and were applying within 48 months of their most recent nonimmigrant visa’s expiration date.

Now, other than certain diplomatic visas, visa interviews may only be waived for applicants who previously held a visa in the same category that expired less than 12 months prior to the new application.

 Additional applicant criteria include:

  • Application is in their country of nationality or residence (physical presence is required).

  • Applicant has never been refused a visa (unless such refusal was overcome or waived).

  • Applicant has no apparent or potential ineligibility.

Even if an interview is waived, applicants must complete all other application steps such as completing a DS-160, paying the visa application fee, completing the steps on the relevant Embassy or Consulate’s visa appointment service website, and couriering the relevant documents as required.  Applicants are also reminded that in-person interviews may still be required on a case-by-case basis or in light of local conditions. 

 © Jewell Stewart Pratt Beckerson & Carr PC 2025

DHS announces expansion of STEM degree list for OPT extensions

International students who graduate from U.S. universities are able to remain here and receive training through work experience for up to twelve months. This is known as Optional Practical Training (OPT). Students who graduate from a designated science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) degree, who have jobs related to their field of study with employers who are enrolled in the government’s E-Verify program, can remain in the U.S. for an additional twenty-four months on an OPT STEM extension.

On July 22, 2024 the Department of Homeland Security announced an expanded list of STEM designated-degree programs that qualify eligible graduates for this extension. The list now includes Landscape Architecture, Institutional Research, Linguistics and Computer Science, Composite Materials Technology/Technician, Developmental and Adolescent Psychology, Geospatial Intelligence, Demography and Population Studies, and Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering Technology/Technician.

A full list of STEM degrees is available here, and will be of interest to students, employers, and employees with eligible degrees who are currently in their first 12 months of OPT.

© Jewell Stewart Pratt Beckerson & Carr PC 2024

USCIS adopts new fee schedule effective April 1, 2024

Updated March 28, 2024

On January 30, 2024, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it had published a final rule to adopt a new filing fee schedule. This is the first new fee schedule issued by USCIS since 2016. In its Frequently Asked Questions page USCIS has posted a New Fee Schedule Table that lists the old and new fees side by side. Changes of interest include:

  • A new “asylum program fee” of $600 per I-129 petition and I-140 petition. (Nonprofits and universities are exempt from this fee.)

  • An attempt to mitigate higher fees for employers by offering special discounts for small employers; for example, a reduced “asylum program fee” of $300. “Small employer” means those with 25 or fewer full-time equivalent employees.

  • A $50 discount for those who choose online filing over paper filing, when online filing is offered. 

  • Premium Processing Service timeframes will be counted in business days, not calendar days as before.

  • Separate fees are established for Form I-129, Petition for a Nonimmigrant Worker, depending on the nonimmigrant classification sought (i.e. H-1B, TN, E-3, etc.).

  • Separate filing fees will be required for Form I-131 (travel document) and Form I-765 (employment authorization) when filed with Form I-485 (adjustment of status), whether or not they are filed together.

The new fees and rules will become effective on April 1, 2024. There are increases in all application and petition types typically filed in employment-related cases, including Form I-129, petition for nonimmigrant worker; Form I-539, application for change or extension of status; Form I-140, petition for immigrant worker; Form I-485, application to register permanent resident status or to adjust status; and Form I-765, application for employment authorization document.

USCIS warns that applications and petitions postmarked or filed on or after April 1, 2024 must include these new fees. If the new fees are not included with such a submission, it will be rejected.

In addition, revised forms will also become effective on April 1, 2024, along with the new fees. USCIS says it will accept prior editions of most forms during a grace period from April 1, 2024, through June 3, 2024, as long as they are accompanied by the new fee. However, there will be no grace period for some forms, including Form I-129 and Form I-140, because they must be revised with a new fee calculation. Filers must be careful to use the correct forms in each case, as well as to include the correct filing fee.

Government processing of immigration applications and petitions is funded by these user fees and not by taxpayer dollars. These filing fee increases, which in some cases are significant, reflect USCIS's calculation of increases in the work associated with case adjudications and avoiding backlogs.

© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2024

Update on Visa Interview Waivers

On December 21, 2023, the Department of State (DOS) announced an updated visa interview waiver policy, which took effect on January 1, 2024.  The policy both expands and limits the policy that was in place for 2023 and is in place until further notice. 

Under the updated policy, visa interviews may now be waived for nonimmigrant visa applicants applying for any nonimmigrant visa classification who:

    • Were previously issued a nonimmigrant visa in any classification, unless the only prior issued visa was a B visa; and

    • Are applying within 48 months of their most recent nonimmigrant visa’s expiration date (including renewing a nonimmigrant visa in the same classification).

Note that the interview waiver policy now covers all nonimmigrant visas, vs. certain petition-based categories.  However, note that for applicants whose only prior visa was a B-1, or for first time visa applicants who are citizens of Visa Waiver Program countries, interview waiver is no longer available.   

 Additional applicant criteria include:

  • Application is in their country of nationality or residence (physical presence is required).

  • Applicant has never been refused a visa (unless such refusal was overcome or waived).

  • Applicant has no apparent or potential ineligibility.

Even if an interview is waived, applicants must complete all other application steps such as completing a DS-160, paying the visa application fee, completing the steps on the relevant Embassy or Consulate’s visa appointment service website, and couriering the relevant documents as required.  Applicants are also reminded that in-person interviews may still be required on a case-by-case basis or in light of local conditions. 

 © Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2024

H-1B "cap" reached for FY 2024

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced on December 13, 2023 that it has received a sufficient number of H-1B petitions to reach the statutory H-1B visa “cap” for fiscal year (FY) 2024. 

The USCIS announcement states:

USCIS has received a sufficient number of petitions needed to reach the congressionally mandated 65,000 H-1B visa regular cap and the 20,000 H-1B visa U.S. advanced degree exemption, known as the master’s cap, for fiscal year (FY) 2024.

We will send non-selection notices to registrants through their online accounts over the next few days. When we finish sending these non-selection notifications, the status for properly submitted registrations that we did not select for the FY 2024 H-1B numerical allocations will show:

·         Not Selected: Not selected – not eligible to file an H-1B cap petition based on this registration.

We will continue to accept and process petitions that are otherwise exempt from the cap. Petitions filed for current H-1B workers who have been counted previously against the cap, and who still retain their cap number, are exempt from the FY 2024 H-1B cap. We will continue to accept and process petitions filed to:

·         Extend the amount of time a current H-1B worker may remain in the United States;

·         Change the terms of employment for current H-1B workers;

·         Allow current H-1B workers to change employers; and

·         Allow current H-1B workers to work concurrently in additional H-1B positions.

No further selections for new H-1B petition filings will take place for FY 2024, and the next registration period for FY 2025 will take place sometime in Q1 2024.

© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2023

USCIS proposes new H-1B definitions, H-1B Cap processes, and benefits for F-1 students

On Monday, October 23, 2023, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) published a proposed rule (Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, or NPRM) in the Federal Register that would bring significant changes to H-1B visa processes, including changes to the H-1B cap selection. The NPRM (88 FR 72870, 10/23/23) has a 60-day public comment period ending on December 22, 2023, after which a Final Rule is expected.

USCIS is prioritizing the H-1B cap selection changes to take effect in time for the FY2025 cap selection, for which registration will open in early 2024. However, in its preamble to the NPRM, USCIS acknowledges that it is also possible, if there are technology or resource issues, that the new system may be postponed. In that case, USCIS says it will publish a notice in the Federal Register at least 30 days before the initial H-1B cap registration period.

Highlights of the NPRM follow.

1.       Extended cap-gap for F-1 students

Under the NPRM, an F-1 student with OPT or STEM OPT work authorization who is the beneficiary of a change-of-status H-1B cap petition gets, upon timely filing of the petition, an automatic extension of their F-1 status and work authorization (“cap gap”) to April 1 of the fiscal year for which the H-1B is being sought. Under the current system, “cap gap” work authorization ends on September 30 of the year prior to the year for which H-1B status is sought and the individual’s F-1 status ends 60 days later. This proposal should go a long way toward minimizing F-1 work authorization gaps while awaiting H-1B status.

2.       Making H-1B cap selection lottery “beneficiary-centric”

The NPRM proposes that the registration selection process be based on unique beneficiaries rather than unique registrations. It is hoped that this will reduce the incentive for employers and individuals to pursue registrations without the existence of a bona fide job offer. Multiple (non-related, non-coordinating) employers may still register the same beneficiary, assuming each has a bona fide job for them; but under the NPRM, the beneficiary will only be entered once in the H-1B cap lottery. If a beneficiary is selected, and has been registered by multiple employers, each employer will receive a selection notice, and the beneficiary may then choose to pursue an H-1B with any of the employers that filed a registration on their behalf, provided there are bona fide job offers that the beneficiary intends to accept.

To enforce the limit of one H-1B cap registration per beneficiary, beneficiaries will be identified not only by the same information used currently, but also by their passport data. Passport data will be required in all cases and, if the beneficiary is abroad, they must use the same passport in the registration that they will use to enter the U.S. (with limited exceptions).

3.       Codifying the Simeio memo for H-1B petitions

According to the USCIS Administrative Appeals Office’s decision in Matter of Simeio Solutions, LLC (2015), and the 2015 USCIS Policy Memo to implement the decision, a new or amended H-1B petition involving material changes to an H-1B beneficiary’s job must be filed with USCIS before the changes take effect. In cases where H-1B portability rules apply, the changes may take effect upon filing of the new/amended petition instead of waiting for petition approval. Any change to a beneficiary’s job that requires a new Labor Condition Application from the U.S. Department of Labor is, by definition, a material change and requires an amended H-1B petition.

The NPRM would codify the Policy Memo, giving it the force of federal regulation, and give it teeth by adding a new ground for H-1B petition revocation to the existing revocation grounds. The new ground would allow USCIS to revoke an H-1B petition if the H-1B petitioner (employer) fails to timely file an amended petition notifying USCIS of a material change. Potentially softening the effect of this is an expansion of the circumstances in which USCIS may “forgive” and accept a late-filed petition: it would not only cover filings after I-94 expiration, as it does currently, but would also cover late-filed amended petitions, i.e., where the I-94 is not expired but circumstances requiring an amended filing took effect before the amendment was filed.

 4.       Codifying policy on USCIS H-1B site visits

The NPRM codifies current USCIS policy and practice regarding employer site visits to investigate the validity of H-1B and other nonimmigrant petitions. Per the NPRM, USCIS at any time after filing of the petition, including after petition approval, may conduct unannounced site visits, hold interviews of petitioners or beneficiaries without the presence of counsel, and perform investigations to verify that the information in the petition is/was true. Failure or refusal of the petitioner to cooperate in a site visit may result in denial or revocation of the H-1B petitions of any H-1B workers at the work site in question.

5.       Revision to the regulatory definition and criteria for a “specialty occupation” including some helpful clarifications

The make-or-break issue in every H-1B petition is whether the job in question is in a “specialty occupation,” i.e., requires a bachelor’s or higher degree in a specific field. The NPRM would change the existing regulatory definition of “specialty occupation” to make it clear that any field of study stated as required for the job in the H-1B petition must be directly related to the job duties. The NPRM also would clarify that, if a range of academic fields satisfy the employer’s degree requirement, each such field must be established as directly relating to the position. The NPRM’s proposed definition of “specialty occupation” is (emphasis ours):

Specialty occupation means an occupation that requires theoretical and practical application of a body of highly specialized knowledge in fields of human endeavor including, but not limited to, architecture, engineering, mathematics, physical sciences, social sciences, medicine and health, education, business specialties, accounting, law, theology, and the arts, and that requires the attainment of a bachelor’s degree or higher in a specific specialty, or its equivalent, as a minimum for entry into the occupation in the United States. The required specialized studies must be directly related to the position. A position is not a specialty occupation if attainment of a general degree, such as business administration or liberal arts, without further specialization, is sufficient to qualify for the position. A position may allow a range of degrees or apply multiple bodies of highly specialized knowledge, provided that each of those qualifying degree fields or each body of highly specialized knowledge is directly related to the position.

6.       Revision to the regulatory definition of “U.S. employer,” allowing H-1B sponsorship by an entity majority-owned by the H-1B beneficiary

In a potential boon for early-stage startups, the NPRM proposes that a “U.S. employer” for H-1B sponsorship purposes may be an entity that is majority-owned by the sponsored H-1B beneficiary as long as the majority (over 50%) of the beneficiary’s time is spent on “specialty occupation” duties. In the majority owner-beneficiary scenario, the initial H-1B petition validity would be limited to 18 months, and the first extension (including an amended petition with a request for an extension of stay) would also be limited to 18 months. Any subsequent extension may be approved for up to three years, assuming the petition satisfies all other H-1B requirements.

7.       To allow more H-1B petitions to qualify as “cap exempt,” a broadening of key definitions

H-1B petitions sponsored by certain types of organizations are exempt from the lottery for new H-1B visas each year. An H-1B beneficiary’s work for nonprofit research organizations, governmental research organizations, and nonprofit organizations affiliated with institutions of higher education is considered cap-exempt, but proving cap-exemption has been a challenge due to USCIS’ strict interpretation of the criteria, and the difficulty of proving the degree of closeness of the H-1B beneficiary’s work to the cap-exempt organization’s mission or purpose. Key liberalizing changes in the NPRM include:

  • “Nonprofit research organization” – The H-1B sponsoring entity will need an IRS determination letter confirming tax-exempt status, but the IRS letter need not necessarily specify that the organization’s purpose is “research.” “Research” may be shown in other documentation.

  • “Research” – Research (basic or applied) need not necessarily be the organization’s main purpose; it may be just one part of what the organization does.

  • A nonprofit’s affiliation with an institution of higher education – The nonprofit’s main purpose need not necessarily be to contribute to the research or education mission of the institution; doing so may merely be a purpose, or even merely a fundamental activity, of the nonprofit.

  • An H-1B petition may be cap-exempt if beneficiary’s job duties support or advance a (not necessarily the) fundamental purpose, function, mission, or objective of the cap-exempt entity.

  • In an H-1B petition that is cap-exempt for a beneficiary not directly employed by the exempt entity but working “at” the exempt entity, the word “at” can mean working remotely as versus physically onsite, and work for the exempt entity may be as little as 50% of the beneficiary’s time.

The NPRM’s liberalizations in the cap-exempt area would significantly increase the number of H-1B petitions exempt from the cap, thus taking pressure off the annual demand for cap-subject H-1Bs.

Jewell Stewart & Pratt will watch developments related to the NPRM closely, including the publishing of the Final Rule, and post updates here as they occur.

© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2023

USCIS runs second lottery on 2023 (FY 2024) H-1B registrations

On July 31, 2023, USCIS announced that it ran a second H-1B lottery on 2023 (FY 2024) registrations. The USCIS announcement states:

We now have randomly selected, from the remaining FY 2024 registrations properly submitted, a sufficient number of registrations projected as needed to reach the cap, and have notified all prospective petitioners with selected registrations from this round of selection that they are eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for the beneficiary named in the applicable selected registration.

Only petitioners with selected registrations may file H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2024, and only for the beneficiary named in the applicable selected registration notice.

An H-1B cap-subject petition must be filed within the period indicated on the registration selection notice; for this round of selectees, that period is August 2 to October 31, 2023.

As we noted before, in 2021 (FY 2022) a second and third selection process took place in August and November, respectively, to make unused H-1B visas available. No additional selections took place in 2022 (FY 2023). USCIS has not yet announced whether and when a third selection might take place later in 2023 (FY 2024).

© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2023

H-1B "cap" reached in 2023 (FY 2024)

On March 27, 2023, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it has received a sufficient number of H-1B petitions to reach the statutory H-1B visa “cap” for fiscal year (FY) 2024.

The USCIS announcement states:

“We randomly selected from among the registrations properly submitted to reach the cap, and have notified all prospective petitioners with selected registrations that they are eligible to file an H-1B cap-subject petition for the beneficiary named in the applicable selected registration. Registrants’ online accounts will now show one of the following statuses for each registration (that is, for each beneficiary registered): 

  • Submitted: The registration has been submitted and is eligible for selection. If the initial selection process has been completed, this registration remains eligible, unless subsequently invalidated, for selection in any subsequent selections for the fiscal year for which it was submitted.

  • Selected: Selected to file an H-1B cap petition.

  • Denied: Multiple registrations were submitted by or on behalf of the same registrant for the same beneficiary. If denied as a duplicate registration, all registrations submitted by or on behalf of the same registrant for this beneficiary for the fiscal year are invalid.

  • Invalidated-Failed Payment: A registration was submitted but the payment method was declined, not reconciled, disputed, or otherwise invalid.

… H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2024, including those petitions eligible for the advanced degree exemption, may be filed with USCIS beginning April 1, 2023, if based on a valid, selected registration. Only petitioners with selected registrations may file H-1B cap-subject petitions for FY 2024, and only for the beneficiary named in the applicable selected registration notice.”

In 2021 (FY 2022) a second and third selection process took place in August and November, respectively, to make unused H-1B visas available. No additional selections took place in 2022 (FY 2023). USCIS has not yet announced whether and when an additional selection might take place in 2023 (FY 2024).

© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2023

H-1B "cap" registration dates announced for 2023 (FY 2024)

On January 27, 2023, USCIS announced the dates for the upcoming H-1B cap registration window and selection process. Selection will be via random lottery, as in prior years.

In its announcement USCIS stated that the registration period will open at 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET on March 1, 2023 and will close at 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET on March 17, 2023. The random lottery will be conducted following the close of the registration period, and account holders will be notified of selected registrations by March 31, 2023.

USCIS also stated that registrants will be able to create new accounts beginning at 9:00am PT / 12:00pm ET on February 21. Employers MUST NOT create an account before this date because it will lack H-1B registration functionality.

© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2023

USCIS Returns to Concurrently Processing H-4 and L-2 Dependent Applications

Pursuant to a recent settlement agreement, USCIS has agreed to resume its earlier practice of adjudicating I-539 status extensions and I-765 work permit applications at the same time that the principal’s I-129 is adjudicated - a.k.a. “bundling.” In recent years, dependents’ status extension and work permit applications would be adjudicated several months or even years later than the principal’s status extension filing. “Bundling” is only available for concurrently filed applications and will be applied to matters filed under regular or Premium Processing. The practice should be in effect for at least two years.

© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2023