Executive Orders and R...

U.S. Supreme Court upholds travel ban

The U.S. Supreme Court (SCOTUS) upheld the administration’s travel ban in a 5-4 decision today. The decision does not change the status quo, however, as in December 2017, SCOTUS allowed the third iteration of the travel ban to take effect during the pendency of litigation. The details of the administration’s travel ban were detailed in our blog post here, although please note that Chad was removed from the list of countries in April of 2018. Certain waivers or exemptions are available.


© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2018

Alarming Change of Policy for Treatment of Certain Status Violations for F, J, and M Visa Holders

On May 10, 2018, USCIS announced a draft policy memorandum titled “Accrual of Unlawful Presence and F, J, and M Nonimmigrants.” F, J, and M nonimmigrant visas are for international students, scholars, and participants in international educational/cultural exchange programs (including interns and trainees).  The draft policy is slated to become final and effective on August 9, 2018.

In the draft policy, USCIS announced a dramatic change to the treatment of “status violations” by individuals in the U.S. on F, J, and M visas. A status violation is any failure to meet a term or condition of the visa, including unknowing and unintentional technical violations (e.g., lowering one’s course load below a certain number of credit hours, engaging in casual work, accruing too many days of non-work after school completion, etc.).

Statement on Family Separation

Dear Clients, Friends, and Community –

Like many of you, we are shocked at the administration’s treatment of asylum seekers and in particular the separation of families at the border. Seeking asylum is not a crime. There is no law preventing families from staying together, or requiring incarceration of families and children. We call on the administration to end this atrocious practice, and on Congress to hold the administration accountable.

We are following legal developments and taking action via our firm’s involvement in the American Immigration Lawyers Association, and are available to make suggestions as needed regarding donations and advocacy actions. As a start, call 202-224-3121 and enter your zip code to be connected with your representatives, and reach out to local churches in your community and urge them to take action.

In solidarity,
Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC


© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2018

Update on work authorization for certain H-4 dependents

The Trump administration was due to propose new regulations by the end of February 2018, eliminating the ability of certain H-4 dependents to work.  Although it has not yet issued proposed regulations, there is now a potential timeline for that to occur.  In ongoing litigation over the regulation allowing H-4 employment, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit ordered the case to be held in abeyance following a motion from the Department of Homeland Security (“DHS”) requesting time to issue a proposed “rescission” regulation in February 2018.  Although DHS did not issue such a regulation in February, the Circuit Court order, issued February 21, 2018, gives the DHS 90 days, or until May 22, 2018, to provide an update on rulemaking.  

USCIS Restricts Availability of NAFTA Work Authorization (TN Status) for “Economist” Category

On December 18, 2017, U.S. Citizenship & Immigration Services (USCIS) announced a policy change affecting the adjudication of applications for TN visa status under NAFTA. 

Background on TN visa status

TN visa status allows citizens of Canada or Mexico to work legally in the U.S. if their employment fits within any of 62 occupational classifications and they have the corresponding educational and/or professional qualifications.  One such occupational classification is “Economist.”  The full list of eligible occupational classifications is found in Appendix 1603.D.1 of the NAFTA treaty, as well as in the federal regulations at 8 C.F.R. Section 214.6.

USCIS Accepts Applications Under the International Entrepreneur Rule, While Pushing Plans to Abolish the New Rule

On December 14, 2017, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that it is implementing the International Entrepreneur Rule (IER), in compliance with a federal court order. The IER regulations, 8 CFR § 212.19, allow qualifying foreign national entrepreneurs to enter the U.S. temporarily to develop and grow new businesses. At the same time it is accepting applications under the IER, however, the agency is preparing to publish a Notice of Proposed Rule-Making (NPRM) to rescind the IER. Thus, it is unclear whether individuals who apply to enter the U.S. pursuant to the IER will ultimately receive the benefits of the rule, or for how long.

SCOTUS Allows Travel Ban 3.0 to Take Effect Immediately

Issuing two separate orders (here and here) on the Trump Administration’s Travel Ban today, the U.S. Supreme Court allowed the third iteration of the ban, issued via Presidential Proclamation on September 24, 2017, to take full immediate effect. We detailed the ban in our post here. The ban is pending litigation, but the Supreme Court’s ruling allows the ban to be implemented while the litigation is ongoing.   

© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2017

Ninth Circuit Reinstates Travel Ban 3.0

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals today issued an order reinstating the Trump Administration’s third version of a travel ban. The ban was announced in President Trump’s September 24, 2017 proclamation and is now in effect; affected are nationals of Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria and Yemen as well as some Venezuelan government officials and their families. The Court preserved an exception to the ban for applicants who can meet a “bona fide relationship test” (to certain family members or entities) similar to the test described by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding Travel Ban 2.0. The Court will hear substantive arguments on December 6, 2017. 

© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2017

Travel Ban 3.0 – On Hold by the Courts

In two separate Federal Court decisions issued on October 17, 2017, the majority of the travel restrictions set forth in President Trump’s September 24, 2017 proclamation titled “Enhancing Vetting Capabilities and Processes for Detecting Attempted Entry into the United States by Terrorists or other Public-Safety Threats” were blocked. As a result, nationals of Iran, Libya, Syria, Yemen, Somalia and Chad will not be restricted from traveling to the United States. However, all immigrants and nonimmigrants from North Korea and certain government officials and their family members from Venezuela traveling on business or tourist visas (B-1/B-2) will continue to be restricted from travel to the U.S. The U.S. Department of Justice has stated that it will appeal these rulings.  

© Jewell Stewart & Pratt PC 2017

USCIS Interviews of Applicants for Employment-Based Permanent Residence – Update

As discussed in an earlier post, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced on August 28, 2017 that it will cease waiving interviews of applicants applying for “adjustment of status” (AOS) to U.S. permanent residence (green card) based on employment.  As part of the Trump administration’s plan to apply “extreme vetting” to would-be immigrants (and others), employment-based AOS applicants will be required to undergo an in-person interview at a USCIS field office. Approximately 130,000 applicants are expected to be affected per year.